Release of ecolo-zip: A rich and granular dataset of ecological features of 1.5 millionen postal codes

Do you want to know how your natural environment affects your life and behavior? Do you want to explore the ecological diversity of the world through postal codes? Do you want to access high-resolution satellite data on topography, vegetation, and climate for over 1.5 million locations across 94 countries and regions? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should check out ecolo-zip, a novel geospatial dataset that provides a rich and granular ecological characterization of humans’ natural habitats. In this data descriptor, we will introduce you to this amazing resource, explain how it was created, and show you some examples of how it can be used for various research purposes. Read on to discover how ecolo-zip can help you understand the multi-faceted interactions between humans and their environments!

David Willinger, PhD

/Cognitive Neuroscientist/
/Statistical Methods/
“All models are wrong, but some are useful."
